Precision Medicine Consults

Get answers and support when you need it. Our expert staff is available to help you maximize the utility of our platform.

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Unbeatable customer support


of Genomind clinicians rated their overall consultation as very or extremely helpful.29


of Genomind clinicians claim our consult services were superior to other services they’ve used.11


consultations completed to date.29

We are your precision medicine partner

From the software to the science, our dedicated clinical staff will answer your questions and support you every step of the way.

Get individual 1:1 support interpreting test results or using our software

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Ask in depth questions about the science or application of insights
Customize clinical training and onboarding for your staff

Stay engaged with us through our Provider Learning Center

How it works

All tools and services are easily accessible through our Precision Health Platform. Schedule your sessions in advance.

Consults Step Chart
Consults Step Chart

Meet our experts

All of our PharmDs have achieved PGx certification through Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

It’s not just the test, it’s the people, it’s the technology. And increasingly it’s all these other services that continue to make genetics useful long after we’ve done the test.

Jonathan Stevens, MD, MPH

Board-certified Psychiatrist in Child & Adolescent and Adult Psychiatry, Psych Insight

Get expert support and guidance today.

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