5 Ways to Ease the Stress of Older Adult Caregiving

adult male pushing older adult male in wheelchair in park

If you have older family or friends who need a helping hand, you may be the one who comes to their rescue. Turns out, there are lots of kindhearted people just like you: Some 53 million Americans provide informal or unpaid care for loved ones who have disabilities.1 And the number of caregivers is expected […]

What Mental Health Has to Do with the ‘Great Resignation’

young man packing up desk at work

The pandemic years have caused Americans to rethink their work-life balance in a big way. More than 4.2 million workers quit their jobs in January 2022,1 and the “Great Resignation” still seems to be charging ahead. One study found that more than a quarter of those responding to the study quit without lining up a […]

Mentally Preparing for Post-COVID Life

people walking across crosswalk

The psychological impact of COVID-19 can include increased stress and anxiety. Discover some tips for life after lockdown that can help you move forward.

A Guide to Adult ADHD

girl sitting at desk looking at computer with hands in between eyes

Are you dealing with the symptoms of adult ADHD? Learn more about adult ADHD, appropriate treatments, and genetic testing for ADHD medications.

Sleep and Its Effects On Your Body and Mind

Not getting enough sleep can affect your body and mind. Sleeplessness and mental health are closely linked, and poor sleep can increase your risk of depression or anxiety.

How To Become a Mental Health Advocate

how to become a mental health advocate

Stigma is an obstacle for many people with mental health issues. But awareness is growing. Mental health advocates have been at the heart of this change.