Introduction to Genetics

DNA helix inside pill capsule

In this introduction to genetics, learn basic terminology as well as the importance of gene expression and how gene mutations affect us.

How Pharmacogenetic (PGx) Testing Is Revolutionizing Mental Health Treatment

laboratory equipment and sample array for Genomind PGx testing

If you or a family member have sought care from a mental health professional, or are considering seeking help for depression, anxiety, ADHD or other conditions, you want the best treatment available. Multiple treatment options now exist for many of these conditions, ranging from medications and psychotherapy to alternative treatments. It can be confusing to […]

Are you susceptible to pandemic-related anxiety?

Genomind® Mental Health Map™ box with iphone beside it Your Personal Mental Health Map Report

Since the pandemic began, many have felt the effects on their mental health. The CDC reported in June that over 40% of Americans suffered an adverse mental or behavioral health condition, with anxiety and depressive disorders topping the list.