DRD2 and Antipsychotics Spotlight


Find out why the DRD2 gene, the D2 subtype of the dopamine receptor, is an important factor when considering antipsychotic medications.

BDNF Gene Spotlight

BDNF and BDNF Variant

Better understand Val66Met, a nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the BDNF gene associated with reduced activity dependent secretion of BDNF.

MC4R Gene Spotlight

MC4R and MC4R Variant

Discover the MC4R gene, which is found in the hypothalamus and involved in the regulation of satiety, food intake, and energy expenditure.

SLC6A4 and SSRIs Spotlight


Learn about the SLC6A4 gene, its relationship with SSRI response, and how having this information can impact treatment decisions.

HT2RC Gene Spotlight

HTR2C and HTR2C Variant

Find out why variations in the HTR2C gene are useful in considering the biological risk factors that contribute to antipsychotic induced weight gain.

Introduction to Genetics

DNA helix inside pill capsule

In this introduction to genetics, learn basic terminology as well as the importance of gene expression and how gene mutations affect us.